What to do if you're sleeping rough and need to find somewhere to live 

If you're sleeping rough

The Caring in Bristol Handbook

The Caring in Bristol Handbook can help you find information and practical advice if you're experiencing homelessness or hardship.

If you need somewhere to stay

The Outreach Team run by St Mungo's may be able to help find you somewhere to stay.

We fund St Mungo's Rough Sleeper Service. They'll talk to you and take time to understand your needs, allowing them to offer you the right support to move away from rough sleeping, whatever your circumstances.

People who are new to rough sleeping can go to a drop in at St Mungo's, 1 New Street, Bristol BS2 9DX on Mondays and Thursdays, 10am to 12noon.

Out of hours, you can leave a message and they'll get back to you the next working day.

If you're aged 16 to 21

Contact Bristol Youth Maps on:

They'll help you return to live at home if it's safe and leave home only in a planned way.

If you need health advice or drug treatment

You can find information on our Medical help if you're homeless