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What you'll need to pay for a local land charges Con29 search and how to pay.

How to pay

We only accept payment by Bankers Automated Credit (BACS) or Bank Transfer (BT) for local authority search requests.

Our banks details are:

Sort Code: 56-00-05 
Account Number: 41322266
Account Title: Bristol City Council

VAT rates

Further to HMRC's decision that Con29 R and O products should be subject to VAT, we have implemented this change and charge VAT at the standard rate of 20% on the CON29 R and O (and associated additional parcels of land).

You can find a revised fees list below.

Send Con29 requests to landcharges@bristol.gov.uk .

You'll need to make sure you send us confirmation of payment with your search request to landcharges@bristol.gov.uk

We cannot process any requests without proof of payment.

We'll supply you with a VAT receipt when you receive your search results. 

Fees for different types of searches
Type of searchFee
Con29 Residential £80.03 (£96.03 with VAT)
Con29 Commercial £107.77 (£129.32 with VAT)
Additional Property, Con29 Residential £15.15 (£18.18 with VAT)
Additional Property, Con29 Commercial £20.40 (£24.48 with VAT)
Con29 Pt II optional enquiry (Con29o) Residential £8.16 (£9.79 with VAT)
Con29 Pt II optional enquiry (Con29o) Commercial £10.98 (£13.18 with VAT)
Commons Search (Q.22) £16.31 (£19.57 with VAT)
Additional written enquiry £18.64 (£22.37 with VAT)
Personal search (as of August 2010) Free inspection