Freedom of Information (FOI)
You can ask to see any information we hold on paper or as digital files.
Data protection and subject access requests
What a subject access request is and how to see the information we hold about you.
Data protection policy
Data protection terms, principles, processing data, notifying data subjects, security, transfer of data, disclosure, sharing and subject access requests.
Employment data and policies
Find data and policies about us as an employer.
Information sharing agreements
Agreements that set out the lawful basis for the use of personal data by the public sector, across traditional organisational boundaries.
Open data
We publish raw data to be transparent about the information we hold and to encourage citizens and organisations to reuse data to help others do things they want to do or to understand things.
Fraud prevention and detection
What we do to to protect the public funds we administer.
Police and other agencies request for personal information
What personal information the police and other agencies can request and how to action requests.