What personal information the police and other agencies can request and how to action requests.

Schedule 2 Part 1 Para. 2 or Para. 5 Data Protection Act 2018 or Annex 6 Request: 2024 Protocol

The police and other agencies can request access to personal information held by local authorities for specified purposes.

These types of request include Schedule 2 Part 1 Para. 2 or Para. 5 Data Protection Act 2018 for organisations other than police authorities and requests under the Disclosure of Information between Family and Criminal Agencies and Jurisdictions: 2024 Protocol Annex 6 for information requested by the police.

They can ask for information if it's about:

  • prevention or detection of crime
  • the apprehension or prosecution of offenders
  • assessment or collection of tax, duty or imposition of a similar nature.

The Act:

  • does not give an automatic right of access to information
  • states that public bodies can assess the merits of requests and decide whether or not to apply the exemption

See the Information Commissioners Office guidance about exemptions. It includes reasons we must take into consideration when deciding whether to release information to relevant authorities.

Make a Schedule 2 Part 1 Para. 2 or Para. 5 Data Protection Act 2018 request

You need to:

Check our  pdf guidance for completing Schedule 2 requests.(191 KB)

Disclosure of information by Bristol City Council to the Police under Annex 6 - 2024 Protocol

Where the police believe that a third party holds material that may be relevant to their investigation, they may apply for disclosure of relevant information under Annex 6.

Police forces should submit their Annex 6 to subjectaccessrequest@bristol.gov.uk

You can also download a copy of the form here:  document Annex 6 NPCC Third Party Material Request Form(70 KB)