Roles and their responsibilities in the council's new committee system.
Under a committee system of governance a number of new roles have been approved by Full Council. These came into effect from 6 May 2024.
Councillors are elected representatives of the 34 wards that make up Bristol. There are 70 councillors in total.
Our councillors generally carry out the following duties to:
- contribute to good governance and actively encourage community participation and citizen involvement in decision making
- participate effectively as a member of any meeting to which the Councillor is appointed, for example by regular attendance at meetings, ensuring that they are adequately briefed and prepared for the meeting, and examine and challenge issues as appropriate
- maintain a high standard of conduct
- represent the interests of the ward
- deal with constituents' enquiries and representations fairly and without prejudice
- meet regularly with key local stakeholders
- listen to the needs of local people and key stakeholders to take their views into account when making decisions and considering policy proposals
- participate in the activities of any outside body to which they are appointed and report back to the council
- champion the causes which further the interests, quality of life and sustainable development of the community
- develop a working knowledge of the organisations, services, activities and other factors important to the community's well-being and identity
Lord Mayor
The Lord Mayor must be a serving councillor. Each of Bristol's political groups take turns in holding the position.
The Lord Mayor:
- is the first Citizen of the City and County of Bristol and is elected by other councillors
- serves a one year term
- represents the council across the city and elsewhere on occasions where a civic representative is invited or required to attend
- chairs meetings such of the Full Council and Downs Committee
- normally becomes Deputy Lord Mayor when their term is over
Deputy Lord Mayor
The Deputy Lord Mayor will support the Lord Mayor in their role and in their absence undertake the duties of the Lord Mayor.
Leader of the Council
Under the committee system, Full Council will have the power to appoint a Leader of the Council and the Deputy Leader of the Council.
These new roles do not come with any formal powers and duties.
Full Council has determined that the Leader of the Council will:
- be a focal point for political leadership and strategic direction, both inside and outside of the council
- be the political leader of the council, for the benefit of the city's communities
- represent the interests of the council at the community, regional, national and international levels
- be the key contact for outside organisations such as central government, local authority associations and council partners
- meet regularly to progress the council's objectives with committee Chairs, the Chief Officers, Group Leaders, partner organisations, stakeholders, community representatives and others
- to chair meetings of the Strategy and Resources policy committee
pdf Leader's Diary: January 2025 (176 KB)
Deputy Leader of the Council
The Deputy Leader of the Council will:
- assist the Leader to carry out the Leader's key responsibilities
- take on the responsibilities of the Leader in their absence
- work with the Leader and committee Chairs on budget and policy development
Chair of a Regulatory Committee
Regulatory Committees are committees that we have to have by law.
Each committee will be chaired by an elected councillor who will be elected as Chair by the respective committee.
The Chair of a Regulatory Committee will:
- lead the work of the committee and make sure it carries out its business effectively and efficiently, lawfully and within its terms of reference
- chair meetings of the committee
- ensure respectful engagement between the committee, its officers, guests and the public and keep ethical conduct throughout the meeting
- lead in the development of the work of the committee which they chair
Vice-Chair of a Regulatory Committee
The Vice-Chair of a Regulatory Committee will:
- assist the Chair to carry out their role and responsibilities
- take on the responsibilities of the Chair in their absence
Chair of a Policy Committee
Under a committee system, eight new policy committees will be established. Committees will be established by Full Council who will also appoint Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all committees.
The Chair of a Policy Committee will:
- lead the work of the committee and make sure it carries out its business effectively and efficiently, lawfully and within its terms of reference
- chair meetings of the committee
- ensure respectful engagement between the committee, its officers, guests and the public and maintain ethical conduct throughout the meeting
- lead in the development of the work of the committee which they chair
- attend regular policy committee Chairs' briefings, in conjunction with the Vice-Chair
- provide political direction to officers, including on any urgent matters, in consultation with the Vice-Chair or Party Leads as appropriate
- sit on any relevant outside bodies that relate to the policy committee's work area
- understand and communicate policy and council positions to residents and other stakeholders
- work with other Policy Committee Chairs to lead policy and project development
Vice Chair of a Policy Committee
The Vice-Chair will:
- assist the Chair to carry out their role and responsibilities
- take on the responsibilities of the Chair in their absence
- attend regular briefings with the Chair of the Policy Committee