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Our wide range of data and information about the City of Bristol, including its population and geography.

This information is used by the council as evidence on which to base its plans and policies.  

A guide to the latest publications is in our pdf Bristol Strategic Intelligence Guide (830 KB) .

Bristol: Key Facts update

pdf Bristol Key Facts 2023 (1.38 MB)

A summary of major facts and infographics about Bristol, and living in the city, updated in November 2023.

Note: Key Facts has not been updated in 2024 to incorporate the most recent information available.

For the most recent statistics, please follow the links listed below, including for the latest data on population, Quality of Life and health and wellbeing.

Ward Profiles

Data profiles of life in each ward in Bristol on our Ward Profiles page.

For detailed information on services in your ward, see My neighbourhood search.

Health and Wellbeing (JSNA)

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) reports on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol, including the wider determinants of health.  Data and reports are available on our JSNA pages.

Population in Bristol

Data and reports on our changing population, including Equality group profiles, are on our Population of Bristol page.

Deprivation in Bristol

Data and reports on deprivation in Bristol are on our Deprivation page.

Census 2021

Census 2021 data dashboards for Bristol, together with links to other census tools, are on our Census 2021 page.

Quality of Life in Bristol

The quality of life survey provides an annual snapshot of life in Bristol.  Data and reports are on our Quality of Life page.

Other information topics

Further data pages on other topics of interest include:

Open Data Bristol

Open Data Bristol is a site for exploring, analysing and sharing open data for and with the city.  This includes access to raw data and dashboards to better visualise key data.