Travel support available if you're aged 19 to 25 and in further education.
Travel support
We only offer travel support if you're aged 19 to 25 and in further education.
If you're doing an apprenticeship or traineeship your learning provider is responsible for meeting any reasonable expenses.
You can only get travel support if you're 19 to 25 at the start of the academic year and have a current Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) or a statement of Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), a medical condition that means you have mobility issues, or a physical disability that means you have mobility issues.
We can only provide support to students who live in the Bristol City Council area. Find your local council.
Who can apply for travel support
If you're 19 to 25 years old you can apply for travel support if you:
have an EHCP or a medical condition that means you have mobility issues, or a physical disability that means you have mobility issues
cannot travel to school or college independently, due to distance or due to individual need. We may ask you to send us evidence supporting this
attend the nearest school or college that offers the course or is named in Section I of your EHCP
We want to encourage young people to travel independently, feel included and build their confidence. We want to help them develop travel and social skills for post 16 education and beyond
The travel support
Most students will be able to travel to school or college on their own. But there's some travel support for students who might not be able to do this.
We help students aged 19 to 25 with travel support for example a bus pass or support with train travel costs or a Personal Travel Budget (PTB). We'll work with you to provide the support that meets your needs.
Our travel support policy
We'll consider applications for travel support during the academic year 2025 to 2026 and following academic years in line with our Post 16 travel support policy 2025 to 2026.
pdf Easy Read Travel Support Policy (13.70 MB)
Apply for 19 to 25 school travel support
You must apply for travel support for each year of post 16 education.
Use this form only for travel support for the academic year 2025 to 26.
Apply online for age 19 to 25 travel support
Application deadline
You should apply for travel support by 31 July each year.
If you apply after this date we can't guarantee that support will be ready for the start of the academic year.
You can appeal if your application is turned down.
To appeal you must
- tell us the reason why you're appealing
- send us any supporting evidence such as a medical report
Email your appeal to: