Explorers is a support group for families and young children with vision impairment in the early years.
Children and families who live in Bristol, South Gloucester, North Somerset or BANES can attend from referral until the child starts school.
Explorers is on some Tuesday mornings during term time from 10.30am to 12noon at Elmfield House. Family and child attend the sessions together.
For more information email: sensorysupportservice@bristol.gov.uk or call: 0117 903 8441
The Explorers sessions
The sessions give opportunities for:
- families to come together and share information about different issues
- children to take part in a range of hands-on activities specifically planned for young children with vision impairment
- children to explore and have fun in a safe and relaxing environment
The sessions follow a simple routine in a consistent space to help children:
- make sense of their environment
- learn to anticipate events