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Strategies to help make your classroom vision friendly and make sure pupils with a vision impairment (VI) are included.

Appropriate seating position

Most pupils with VI will benefit from sitting close to the focus of the teaching. This may be the board or a demonstration. 

Most will benefit from a well-lit environment but without direct sunlight and glare. However, some pupils function better in low lighting.

Functioning blinds can help reduce glare, especially on an interactive whiteboard.

The best seating position for students will depend on their eye condition. This is especially the case for pupils who have better vision in one eye than the other.

Make displays and signs accessible

Make displays as easy to read as possible by making: 

  • print large enough 
  • colours well contrasted with the background

Check your pupil can see the information and give them their own copy of the information if they need to quickly access it from the display.

It's useful for the pupil's peg and drawer to be on the end of a row for easy access.

Keep corridors uncluttered.

Furniture and resources

Well organised classrooms without too much clutter are easier for all pupils. Resources that are labelled and kept in consistent places are easier to locate.

Furniture can also be highlighted to improve visual access.

Stairs and steps

These are safer for all pupils if the edges are highlighted .Outside areas may also need adapting.

Contact us
Sensory Support Service
Elmfield House
Greystoke Avenue
BS10 6AY

Phone: 0117 903 8442
Text: 07407 814 763
Email: sensorysupportservice@bristol.gov.uk