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We run:

  • a free introduction to The HOPE session for new social workers and social workers who are new to Bristol
  • free training courses on supporting the education of children in care for Bristol City Council social care staff

New social workers and social workers new to Bristol

Email The HOPE on thehope@bristol.gov.uk if you’re a:

  • new social worker
  • student social worker
  • qualified social worker who is new to Bristol

We'll arrange an introductory training session to tell you what we do and how we work with social care staff.

Other training courses for social care staff

You can find out more about our training courses in the Children's Workforce bulletin. If you don't get this bulletin, speak to your manager.

How to book training courses

Book courses on Employee Self Service Go to https://bristolcouncil.sharepoint.com/sites/HR/SitePages/employee-self-service-on-itrent.aspx (opens new window).

Overview of our training courses

Education for social workers

This course covers:

  • the role of The HOPE Virtual School
  • promoting children’s achievement and attendance
  • the changing world of education, including academies, and the new Year 6 and GCSE measures for SATs and GCSEs
  • Personal Education Plans and Pupil Premium funding
  • Previously Looked After Children
  • an introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Previously Looked After Children

This course covers the local authority and individual schools’ duties around the education of Previously Looked After Children.

Achievement and progress (including Pupil Premium good practice)

This course covers how attainment and progress are measured and reported on in schools and education settings, so you can understand and question the education data and reports provided in Personal Education Plan meetings.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

This course covers:

  • systems and processes
  • supporting individual needs in mainstream and special schools
  • how attainment and progress are measured and reported on in education settings, so you can understand and question the education data and reports provided in PEP meetings


This course covers:

  • inclusive education
  • challenging exclusion and promoting attendance
  • what inclusive education means in Bristol, so that children in care are better supported

Contact us

Email: thehope@bristol.gov.uk
Call: 0117 903 6282
Write: The HOPE Virtual School (CH), PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS3 9NE

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