Alcohol, tobacco, vapes and other drugs
Information, advice and guidance on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in schools.
Data and research
Health and wellbeing data and research relating to school-age children.
Dental health
Information, advice and guidance on dental health in schools.
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Information, guidance and resources on preventing and addressing domestic violence and abuse.
Food and nutrition
Information, guidance and resources about food and nutrition in schools.
Health protection
Information, guidance and resources about health protection in schools.
Healthy weight
Information, guidance and resources about encouraging healthy weight in schools.
Mental health and wellbeing
Information, guidance and resources about mental health and wellbeing in schools.
Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)
PSHE helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and qualities they’ll need to deal with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they’ll face as they grow up.
Period friendly schools
What period friendly schools is, why it’s important, how to get the award, what schools can do, resources and information.
Physical activity
Information, guidance and resources about physical activity in schools.
Relationships and sexual health
Information, guidance and resources about relationships and sexual health in schools.
Sexism, sexual bullying, sexual harassment and sexual violence
Information, guidance and resources about sexism, sexual bullying and harassment in schools.