How we’ve used your feedback to develop the Local Offer in 2020.
In 2020 we had 105 comments about the Bristol’s SEND Local Offer website. These came from:
Feedback through Bristol’s Local Offer website
- The Facebook page
- Bristol Parent Carers
- Drop in events
- February 2021 SEND Survey
- What you told us
You told us you:
- aren’t sure what the Local Offer is or how to find it
- are more likely to use social media
- would like better accessibility, including BSL and translation
- found the site difficult to navigate and couldn’t always find the information you wanted
- information isn’t always up to date
What we’re doing to improve Bristol’s Local Offer
In 2020 we:
- created a young person’s section with young people in our community
- redesigned the look and feel of the site for easier accessibility
- continued to review the content to make sure it’s up to date
- promoted the Local Offer by contacting professionals, community groups and schools
- continue to work with the community to make sure the website meets your needs
- sent leaflets to libraries, schools and GP surgeries to promote the website
- launched a Facebook page: Visits – 297 total followers. Last 28 days: 145 page views, 2942 people reached, 407 post engagements.
- launched an Ambassador program so that professionals, parents and carers can contribute to developing the website
- added a SEND News page to provide more information
In 2021 we are:
- Continuing to update and add the information you want
- Adding links to more video content to provide better accessibility
- Improving accessibility and translation options
- Creating a social media strategy to provide appropriate information tailored to your needs
- Working with young people to further develop the service we offer them
- Using the Ambassador program to train professionals, parents and carers in creating content for the website
- Promoting the Local Offer site through a wider range of social media, videos, newsletters and face to face meetings
- Establishing a more comprehensive directory of local resources and developing a Community Mapping tool to help you find services across Bristol