Resources for SENDCOs, including SEND guidance, templates, forms and planning tools.
Guide to SEND support for education settings
What SEND support is, how it works and what’s in a SEND Support Plan.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
Information about Emotional Literacy Support Assistant intervention and list of registered schools.
SEND documents you need to have available for parents
Documents schools must have to describe what support is in place for children with SEND.
SEND autism support documents
Referral form schools must use to request help from the Bristol Autism Team, and toolkits to support autistic children and young people.
Ordinarily Available Provision
Resources that should be available for children and young people with SEND in mainstream education settings.
List of communications for SENDCOs in Bristol
What communication channels are available for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENDCOs) in Bristol.
March 4 SEND
The programme of events for March 4 SEND.
Wellbeing in education: the Bristol catalogue of services to schools, colleges and early years settings
Wellbeing services for Bristol education settings.
Mediating Learning Support Approach (MeLSA)
Information about Mediating Learning Support Approach and a list of registered schools.
SEND workforce development: training for Bristol schools
Training for schools staff who work with children and young people with SEND.