Information about acupuncture, tattooing, piercing and electrolysis licences and how to apply.
Registration requirements
Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 any person who carries out the practice of acupuncture or the business of tattooing, ear piercing or electrolysis must register with the local authority. In Bristol this includes:
- micro blading
- micro needling
- micro pigmentation
- other similar procedures that introduce ink, pigment or colour into a client's skin
It also includes dry needling and ear or nose piercing.
If the person doing the treatment is a dentist registered under the General Dental Council, a medical practitioner registered under the General Medical Council or is working under their supervision exemptions may apply as on the above-mentioned legislation. Chiropractors, physiotherapists and similar professionals are not exempt and still need to register for skin piercing if wanting to carry out acupuncture or dry needling.
The premises where the skin piercing practice or business operates must also be registered. Before applying for registration, you must make sure they have the correct planning permission for the premises. For example, an applicant who plans to have a skin piercing business at home will need to contact the Planning Development department.
When selecting a premises, you should make sure that the premises and the equipment complies with the requirements of the skin piercing legislation and byelaws relating to Acupuncture, Tattooing, Semi-Permanent Skin-colouring, Cosmetic Piercing and Electrolysis. For example, to achieve the required hygiene, the premises should have a wash hand basin (whb) in the treatment area and a sink for washing the treatment room/skin piercing equipment in the premise. The whb and sink need to be plumbed into the mains water supply to provide a constant supply of hot and cold or suitably controlled water. Also, both the whb and sink must be connected to the sewer system. The design, size, locations of the whb and sink must be suitable for controlling infection including preventing cross contamination.
The current cost of registration is:
- Premises and one person: £221.76
- Person only, or for each additional person: £101.28
- Premises only: £137.28
- Temporary registration for premises: £84.48 for a short event
- Temporary registration for person only: £63.36 for a short event, for bulk registration at large events please refer to the section below
Temporary registration of a premises and a person is for short events, for visiting operators, or guest skin piercer from outside Bristol.
We only give refund in exceptional circumstances so check all details and registration requirements before applying including the relevant information on our website. All refunds granted are subject to £50 charge deducted from the amount being refunded.
Check carefully if the premise where you want to operate from is in the Bristol boundary before applying. Addresses outside the Bristol boundary may have “Bristol” in the postal address but may be in a neighbouring local authority.
Inquiries can be made via email to:
Temporary bulk registration for organisers of large events
The Council offers a temporary bulk registration process for organisers of large events over 50 operators or artists.
Operators (artists) wanting to operate at these large events need to contact the Organiser directly.
The fees for this bulk registration are:
- temporary premises - £84.48 for a short event
- operators and persons - £15 per person for bulk temporary registration
- if the premises is not registered, the first payment is £284.48
- if the premises is registered, the first payment is £200
- the remaining balance for operator registration is due at least 1 month before the event, an invoice will be sent for this
Event organisers should email to get the application form, discuss the event with an officer, and arrange payment for the initial fees.
We will not refund bulk registration.
Keeping your registration up to date
There's no fee to:
- change the premises name
- change the location of where an individual operator is working if the person is already registered in Bristol
- change an operator or artists name
When a business is moving to a new address or premises, a new premises registration application must be made, and the appropriate fee paid.
If an existing Bristol registered business premise or operator (artist) wants to expand the scope of skin piercing done, a new application is needed along with the relevant fees, meaning if a premise or person is registered for tattooing and later wants to do cosmetic piercing new application would be needed.
Once you've applied, an officer will contact you. More details will be needed regarding infection controls and health and safety as part of the application process. Under the legislation local authorities are permitted to gather relevant information in the process of assessing the registration application.
To make changes, email and include your phone number, date of birth and home address.
Regulation summary
Tacit consent
Tacit consent does not apply. It is in the public interest that wel must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, contact us. The application period is 31 days.
Apply online
Premises and operator applications can be submitted online. See the guidance attached in the related documents section for further information.
Organisers of large events over 50 operators need to contact us by email on to arrange to discuss the application.
To apply online:
- go to Apply for a licence to pierce skin Go to (opens new window) ( website)
- download the application form
If you can't open the application form, download Adobe Reader. You'll need to do this from a computer rather than a mobile phone.
Apply by post
We prefer that you apply and pay online. If you need to apply by post, download the application form given below and return the completed forms with your cheque, payable to Bristol City Council, to:
Postal Address:
Bristol City Council
Health and Safety (City Hall)
P.O Box 3399
We do not accept cash.
pdf Skin piercing application form (108 KB)
Consumer complaint
We advise that in the event of a civil complaint the first contact where appropriate is made with the trader by you. This is preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not worked, if you're located in the UK, the Citizens Advice consumer service can advise. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.
For problems with the application process contact us in the first instance. Email or phone customer service on 0117 922 2500.
Downloadable files
pdf Bodypiercing guidance Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=1754-bodypiercing&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (1.07 MB)
pdf Guidance cosmetic piercing and skin colouring Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=1757-regulation-of-cosmetic-piercing-and-skin-colouring&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (146 KB)
document Guidance on body fluid spills Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=3548-guidance-on-body-fluid-spills&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (26 KB)
document Guidance on sharps and inoculation injuries Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=3547-guidance-on-sharps-and-inoculation-injuries-2012&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (21 KB)
pdf Byelaws skin piercing Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=1755-byelaws&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (951 KB)
pdf Micropigmentation guidance Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=1756-micropigmentation&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window) (956 KB)