What we do with the information you give us when you use our public health services.
Our privacy notice explains all the general principles about how we look after your data.
These are the detailed processing notices to explain how we use your data if you use these services:
- pdfBreastfeeding Team (pdf, 174 KB)
- pdfBristol's Big Drink Debate (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfCommunities and Public Health Bulletin (pdf, 170 KB)
- pdfConsent forms for pupils at Bristol schools (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfDomestic Homicide Review (pdf, 174 KB)
- pdfEasy 3 (LD Work) (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfFood Businesses (pdf, 168 KB)
- pdfGP staff qualifications (pdf, 171 KB)
- pdfHealth Champions (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfIndividual Funding Request (pdf, 121 KB)
- pdfLearning Difficulities Team: Walk attendees (pdf, 120 KB)
- pdfLearning Difficulties Team clients (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfLiveWell Bristol (pdf, 139 KB)
- pdfMake Every Contact Count (MECC) employees (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfMake Every Contact Count (MECC) Trainer Registration (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfMental Health First Aid participants (pdf, 169 KB)
- pdfNational Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) (pdf, 175 KB)
- pdfPersonal information of school staff (pdf, 172 KB)
- pdfPhotos of teaching staff and children (pupils) (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfPublic Health: Active City Hall of Fame (pdf, 63 KB)
- pdfPublic Health: ONS births extract (pdf, 175 KB)
- pdfPublic Health: Practitioner scheme (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfPublic Health: Resource and Information Team (pdf, 62 KB)
- pdfPublic Health: Staff personal information (pdf, 168 KB)
- pdfPublic Health training data (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfReal Time Sudden Deaths Surveillance System (pdf, 223 KB)
- pdfROADS Privacy Notice (pdf, 219 KB)
- pdfSafeguarding Data Confidentiality Information Security audit data (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfSafer Street Survey (pdf, 127 KB)
- pdfSafety Equipment Fitting (pdf, 120 KB)
- pdfSchool staff surveys (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfShaping Places for Healthier Lives Privacy Notice (pdf, 213 KB)
- pdfShared Care (pdf, 170 KB)
- pdfSmoking Cessation Service (pdf, 212 KB)
- pdfSporting activity (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfSugar Smart participants volunteers (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfSupervised toothbrushing service (pdf, 201 KB)
- pdfThrive at Night training (pdf, 181 KB)
- pdfWalking for health programme (pdf, 202 KB)
- pdfWeight Management on Referral Information (pdf, 119 KB)