Find out what the constitution is and what it does.
We have a constitution which sets out:
- how the council operates
- how decisions are made
- the procedures which are followed to make sure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable.
Some of these processes are needed by the law, while others have been decided by the council.
Officer Scheme of Delegation
A Scheme of Delegation explains who can take which decisions on behalf of the council.
There's an Officer Scheme of Delegation for each directorate, and for Finance and HR:
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: Adults and Communities(220 KB)
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: Children and Education(252 KB)
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: Growth and Regeneration(297 KB)
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: Resources(466 KB)
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: Finance(275 KB)
- pdf Officer Scheme of Delegation: HR(117 KB)