Council meeting dates, membership, agendas, reports, minutes and webcasts.
How we hold public meetings
Public meetings are held at City Hall including:
- Full Council
- policy committees
- regulatory meetings, where planning and licensing decisions are made
Attending public meetings at City Hall
If you're a member of the press or public and want to attend a public meeting at City Hall, you will need to sign in when you arrive. You will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.
Due to the maximum occupancy of the venue, you may be asked to watch the meeting on a screen in another room.
Find council meetings and documents
Documents including agendas for a meeting are available five clear working days before a meeting not including despatch day and meeting day.
You can also download the app to see details of meetings and set up automatic alerts that will let you know about items on meeting agendas in your ward and committees of interest.
Download at:
Have your say at council meetings
We welcome public attendance and participation at Full Council and all of its formal committee meetings.
When attending public meetings you must behave with courtesy, tolerance and respect at all times to Councillors, Council Officers and other meeting participants.
Anyone who causes disturbance may be asked to leave or may be removed from the meeting.
Ask a question or submit a statement
We're trialling a new online form for submitting statements and questions to Full Council meetings. The form will be available on this webpage on Friday 27 September 2024.
If you have any questions about this trial, email
If you have a question, statement, or petition in relation to an item on an agenda for a council meeting that is not Full Council (for example, the Harbour Committee), email:
- or the Policy Committee team at
To explore Committees, meeting agendas, public forum dates and deadlines see Committees.
Any submissions you make should be respectful, factual, and relevant.
You should be aware that:
- by contributing to the public forum process you acknowledge that any content submitted is at your own risk and the Council disclaims any obligation or responsibility for it
- questions, Statements and Petitions should be factually based and should not contain anything that could be construed as being defamatory, frivolous or offensive
- any submission including anything that is considered as being defamatory, frivolous or offensive shall be redacted prior to publication without notice to you
- the Council reserves the right to reject any submission it deems defamatory, frivolous or offensive at its sole discretion
- sensitive personal information may be deleted or redacted
- Officer's names below Head of Service, will be replaced by the Officer's job title
- company names may be deleted or redacted
Hard copies of documents
You can see hard copies of previous agendas, reports, minutes and decision sheets at:
Bristol Archives
B Bond Warehouse
Smeaton Road
Bristol BS1 6XN
Tel: 0117 922 4224
Webcasts of council meetings
Some meetings are video streamed to improve openness, understanding and accountability of local decision making. These meetings are streamed live and are also available on-demand within 48 hours of the meeting.
See live and on-demand webcasts Go to webcasting (opens new window) on our YouTube page.
Videos are made available for public viewing for four years after the date of the meeting.
Photography, filming and social media use in meetings
People coming to open meetings can:
- film
- audio record
- take photographs
- use social media.
Commentary to filming is not allowed during meetings. If you're going to a meeting you may be filmed by others at the meeting.
Read 'A guide for the press and public on attending meetings of local government' from GOV.UK.