How we're supporting a more sustainable food system.
The One City Climate Strategy sets goals that:
- Bristol will have a resilient food supply chain that supports the region's local food economy
- people in Bristol will consume carbon neutral food and drink
Our main role in making this happen is to work with city partners such as Bristol Food Network to:
- deliver a strategic ‘whole systems approach' that considers all aspects of the food system when creating new policies and plans for the city
- help citizens make healthier food choices with lower carbon footprints
- respond to rising food inequalities in the city
- reduce food waste and recycle what can't be eaten
- support Bristol's vibrant food economy
- build food networks and supply chains that provide local food directly to the city
- help communities grow more of their own food
- grow Bristol's good food movement
- get more citizens and businesses involved in improving Bristol's food system
How we've supported a more sustainable food system so far
- collaborated with Bristol Food Network, Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership, Resource Futures and other city partners to earn Gold Sustainable Food City status for Bristol in 2021
- strengthened the Bristol Eating Better Award criteria by including new actions on climate and sustainability that food businesses must take to be given an award
- produced the One City Food Equality Strategy that sets out our plans for a fairer food system in Bristol, where people have access to nutritious, affordable and appropriate food according to their social, cultural and dietary needs
- worked with Bristol Food Network to develop a Bristol Good Food website to be a hub for Bristol food stories, events and action plans on the themes of:
- eating better: cooking, eating well and sharing more
- food fairness: improving access to good food and good food jobs
- food waste: reducing, redistributing and recycling it
- governance: making sure strong policies and food plans exist
- local food economy: helping diverse food businesses do well
- urban food growing: growing good food in and around the city
In 2021 and 2022, we funded Blaise Plant Nursery to grow 10,000 vegetable plants in peat-free compost and without pesticides. They donated them to community growing groups across the city, to help community food growing projects. You can watch a film about the project.
We developed a pdf Healthy and Sustainable Procurement Policy(219 KB) for all council contracts. All food and catering contract holders must hold the Bristol Eating Better Award, or, if the contract value is over a certain amount, they need the Food for Life Served Here accreditation.
How we're supporting a more sustainable food system in the future
- working with partners to produce a Bristol Good Food 2030 Framework and Action Plans that:
- build on the momentum of achieving Gold Sustainable Food City status
- ensure continued action and leadership to improve the city's food system
- continuing to strengthen Bristol's good food movement by being a member of the Good Food 2030 Partnership
- developing new planning policies and guidance to make sure that food growing is incorporated into new developments in the city
- working with partners to:
- reduce the amount of food waste generated in the city
- redistribute edible surplus food to people who need it
- increase household and business food waste recycling