What we're doing to support the natural environment, and our Ecological Emergency strategy goals.

The natural environment includes blue and green infrastructure within and between urban areas of Bristol.

Blue and green infrastructure is a network of natural and man made features, including:

  • areas of green or open spaces
  • rivers and lakes
  • parks
  • playing fields
  • woodland, forests, and trees
  • allotments
  • canals

The One City Climate Strategy includes objectives to make sure that:

  • all new building development uses blue and green infrastructure
  • the city's natural environment, including tree cover and biodiversity, has been restored

In September 2020, a task group of the city's Environment Board published the pdf One City Ecological Emergency strategy(4.17 MB) .

To find out more about our action for the natural environment, and to find our Ecologial Emergency Action Plan got to our Bristol's ecological emergency page.