Information on the Bristol Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and what it's used for.
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment reports on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol.
It brings together detailed information on local health and wellbeing needs and looks ahead at emerging challenges and projected future needs.
It is an on-going, iterative process, led by Public Health and involving:
- Bristol City Council (Children and Adult services)
- Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire NHS Integrated Care Board
- HealthWatch
- Voscur representing the voluntary and community sector and
- other partners throughout the JSNA process
JSNA uses
The JSNA is used to:
- provide a comprehensive picture of the health and wellbeing needs of Bristol (now and in the future)
- inform decisions about how we design, commission and deliver services, and also about how the urban environment is planned and managed
- improve and protect health and wellbeing outcomes across the city while reducing health inequalities
- provide partner organisations with information on the changing health and wellbeing needs of Bristol, at a local level, to support better service delivery
- be the evidence base for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, identifying important health and wellbeing issues for Bristol, and supporting the development of action plans for the 10 priorities named in the strategy