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Health and wellbeing reports covering relevant topics, produced outside of the formal JSNA process by Bristol City Council and our partners.

Overarching health reports

Our Future Health Go to https://bnssghealthiertogether.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/OurFutureHealth-Sept-2022.pdf (opens new window)

Our Future Health presents an overview of key health and wellbeing issues for the population of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.  It identifies key opportunities for local interventions across all stages of life to reduce ill health and reduce health inequalities.

pdf Bristol Health Needs: A highlight report 2020 (1.04 MB)

This report presents a summary of key demographic and health indicators for Bristol. It presents some opportunity points for intervention to prevent, protect and grow health and in particular, to reduce inequality.

pdf Case for Change - Addressing the Health and Wellbeing Gap 2017 (BNSSG) (2.05 MB)

The Case for Change describes the local context, the changing health and care needs, and the key health and wellbeing challenges facing the BNSSG health and social care system.

pdf Cost of Living Crisis Impact Assessment 2022 (1.37 MB)

This report aims to estimate the impact of the cost of living crisis on Bristol by collating available data and research. It identifies those who will be most impacted in Bristol by geography and demographic group and explores the health impacts of poverty.

Director of Public Health annual report 2024

This year's annual report focusses on being more active, highlighting the physical and mental health benefits from physical activity and removing the barriers to make physical activity possible.

pdf Men's Health and Wellbeing in Bristol (2011) (1.85 MB)

A Picture of Health? draws on a growing body of research evidence about the key factors which contribute to men's health and wellbeing outcomes. It underlines important aspects of men's health related behaviour.

Health protection

The Health Protection reports provide an annual update on topics including:

  • screening and immunisations
  • infectious diseases
  • environmental health
  • emergency planning
  • asylum seeker and refugee health

The health protection function in Bristol is delivered through partnerships in Bristol City Council departments and externally.

Social care and health

Adult Social Care Market Position Statements

We aim to use market position statements to work with providers and other partners to make sure the right services are in place. 

Adult Social Care Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020

The Adult Social Care Strategic Plan 2016 to 2020 shows how we'll approach adult social care over the next four years.

Children, Young People and Families Strategy 2016 to 2020

This four year strategy covers all services for children, young people and families across the whole of Bristol.

Bristol Healthwatch

Healthwatch Go to https://healthwatchbristol.co.uk/about-us/ (opens new window) is the official framework through which local people can have their say about health and social care services. 

Healthwatch have published a very useful policy briefing on pdf Working with your local JSNA (218 KB)  . This guide explains how Healthwatch can engage effectively with their Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

All the Healthwatch reports are accessible through the Healthwatch Bristol reports page.

Recent examples include:

pdf Healthwatch Report: The Impact of COVID–19 Social Care Services at Home (1.26 MB)

Academic research and reports 

Bristol Health Partners (Health Integration Teams) Go to http://www.bristolhealthpartners.org.uk/health-integration-teams/ (opens new window)

Bristol Health Partners is addressing the major public health imperatives and disease areas in the city.

Bristol University: PolicyBristol (Health and Medicine) Go to http://www.bristol.ac.uk/policybristol/policy-briefings/health-medicine/ (opens new window)

PolicyBristol brings together policy-relevant work from across the University to make it more accessible.

For more information on health and wellbeing reports email jsna@bristol.gov.uk