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Help with money problems, benefits and work permits, for the GRT community.

For information about debt and money management  or benefits you can contact your local gypsy and traveller drop-in centre.


You can get information and help if you're struggling to manage your money or have debt problems

Preventing money problems 

Local services can give you advice about budgeting and money management:

National services

Savings and loans

Great Western Credit Union is a not-for-profit co-operative, helping local people save and borrow at fair rates.

Dealing with debt 

Local organisations 

Search the ACFA advice network to find local organisations to give you benefits and debt advice.

National organisations 

Citizens Advice Bureau 

Get help with legal, money and other problems, free, independent and confidential advice.

Drop-in on Mondays to Fridays 9:30am to 1pm
Bristol Citizens Advice, 12 Broad Street, Bristol, BS1 2HL

Call: 0844 499 4718


Benefits give practical help and financial support if you're unemployed and looking for work. You may also get extra income when your earnings are low, if you're bringing up children, are retired, care for someone, are ill or have a disability.

Benefits you may be able to claim include:

To get help claiming benefits you can visit the Citizen Service Point (CSP) at Bristol City Council.

At a CSP you can:

  • pay council tax and rent
  • discuss tenancy issues
  • hand in documents
  • get help filling in forms
  • report noise or antisocial behaviour
  • apply for a bus pass (travelcard) or blue badge

Work permits

If you're self-employed in the Bristol area you may need a permit to work. 

If you're a scrap metal dealer you'll need  to apply for a scrap metal dealer licence

If you're selling goods door to door you'll need  to apply for a pedlar's certificate Go to https://www.gov.uk/pedlars-certificate (opens new window) which lets you sell goods. You must be over 17 to apply.