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You can get benefits to top-up your income from state pension, works pension, and interest from savings.

If your income and savings are low you may be entitled to claim Pension Credit and a reduction in Council Tax. You may also be eligible for some help with your rent payments.

This money isn't paid automatically, you'll need to claim it.  You can claim the benefits even if you have some savings.

State Retirement Pension

The State Retirement Pension has changed as has the date you may become eligible to claim. 

For more information see the basic State Pension on GOV.UK.

Pension Credit

Pension Credit is paid to bring older people's income up to the minimum income level set by the government, taking into account household income and savings.

This money is paid to help you live independently at home, for example, to afford house repairs and bills and the cost of keeping in touch.

You must be state pension age or above to claim Pension Credit.

Use the State Pension calculator on GOV.UK Go to https://www.gov.uk/calculate-state-pension (opens new window) to see if you're eligible to apply for Pension Credit. 

Pension Credit and mixed-age couples

If you're in a couple where one person is state pension age or over but the other is below that age, you cannot make a new claim for Pension Credit.

You'll only be able to make a new claim for Pension Credit if both people in the couple are over state pension age. If one is below that age, you'll have to claim Universal Credit until you both reach state pension age.

How to claim Pension Credit

Call the Pension Service Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Telephone freephone 0800 99 1234
Textphone 0800 169 0133
If you need an interpreter call 0800 99 1234

You'll need:

  • your National Insurance number
  • information about your income and savings
  • details of the account into which you would like any payments to be made

Find out more about Pension Credit on GOV.UK.

Funeral payments

You may be entitled to financial assistance with a funeral you are deemed liable for.

For more information see Funeral Payments on GOV.UK.