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Our pledge to make Bristol measurably cleaner and funding to clean up Stapleton road.

What do we mean by measurably cleaner

Measurably cleaner means less:

  • litter
  • fly tipping
  • fly posting
  • graffiti
  • dog fouling
  • gum
  • weeds

It also means more reuse, repairing and recycling so that less waste is produced and disposed of in landfill.

Making Bristol and its streets cleaner is something that everyone who lives, works, learns, or plays here contributes to. It's also supported by those that have the job of keeping the city clean and tidy and working.

How we'll make the city cleaner 

1. Provide a quality cleansing service with clear standards

  • We also want to tell you what we're doing and how well we're doing it, whether that be cleansing or recycling.
  • We want residents to tell us where what we do is not working or could be better so that we can get better.
  • We also want you to tell us when you see problems like fly tipping or graffiti so that we can do something about it.

2. Work with residents, community and faith groups, universities, schools, and businesses to help them to do their bit whether large or small to improve the look and feel of the city.

This could be done through picking up one piece of litter, community clean ups, planting, painting or just sweeping outside their front door or shopfront.

3. Spread the word about keeping the city clean and tidy far and wide, and keep doing it.

  • If we want Bristol to be a great city then let us be clear about what we want it to look like and help it to become that.
  • We will embed the Clean Streets principles in the local authority and how it works moving forward and ask our partners to do the same.
  • We will also highlight areas where behaviours like dumping waste on the streets takes place.

4. We make sure that our policies and the law support our efforts to keep the city clean and tidy, are visible to the city, and are acted upon.

5. We use our enforcement resources where it is needed to back up our aim which is to educate, engage and then enforce to make the city cleaner. pdf (2.95 MB)