You can pay in many ways, including by Direct Debit, online, by phone, by post, in person or by bank transfer.
Direct Debit
How to set up a Direct Debit with us.
You'll need:
- bank or building society name and address
- bank or building society account number
- name of the account holder
- branch sort code
Fill out our pdf Direct Debit form (257 KB) and post it to the address on the form.
You can also go to our Citizen Service Point with your bank, building society or credit union account details and fill out a form there.
Your payments are covered by the pdf Direct Debit guarantee (104 KB) .
How to work out your monthly direct debit payments
Your monthly payment is calculated by working out how much you must pay to have a clear rent account by the end of the financial year (March 31), divided by the number of monthly payments left in the year.
- we'll automatically take your payment from your account on a monthly basis
- you can pay monthly or weekly: if you pay monthly you can choose a payment date between the 1st and 28th of the month
- you must pay in advance
You'll need your 8 digit reference number. You'll find this on your account statement, rent increase letter, invoice or arrears letter. If you do not use this number it will cause delays in payments showing on your rent account.
Standing order
Fill in the pdf standing order form (86 KB) .
Post it directly to your bank, building society or credit union and let us know the start date and the amount of your standing order.
You must pay in advance.
If you need to make any changes to your standing order contact your bank, building society or credit union directly.
You must quote your 8 digit reference number. If you do not use this number it will cause delays in payments showing on your rent account.
Internet banking
To make a payment from your internet banking service, sign in at their website. You'll need:
- your 8 digit rent account reference number, you'll find this on your account statement, rent increase letter, invoice or arrears letter
- our sort code of 560005
- our account number of 41322282
If you do not use your 8 digit rent account number it will cause delays in payments showing on your rent account.
Call our 24-hour automated payment line on 0117 903 6402.
You can also use this number to check the balance due on your account. Find out more about call charges on GOV.UK.
There is no charge for using a debit or credit card.
Mobile phone
Apple or Android app
You can download the Allpay app from:
iTunes Preview: allpay website
Text message
Register on the Allpayments.text website with your debit or credit card and swipe card details.
In person
You can make a rent payment at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet using your housing payment swipe card. Allow four working days for payments to reach your account. There's no charge for this service.
- Use the online form to request new and replacement cards. Start your enquiry with 'Payment swipe card'
- Read about pdf housing payment swipe cards (19 KB)
At our Citizen Service Point
You can't pay your rent by cash at the Citizen Service Point for now.
Please use one of the other methods of payment on this page.
You can pay by cash or debit or credit card at our Citizen Service Point.
There is no charge for using a debit or credit card.
Credit unions
These are community based and managed financial organisations.
They offer accounts such as savings, bill payments, budgeting and loans and can help with setting up an account to pay your rent automatically.
Contact Great Western Credit Union on 0117 924 7309 or visit the Great Western Credit Union for more information.
Check your rent balance
You can sign up for a Bristol Account and check your rent balance and other housing payments online.