You can get permits if you get care from friends and family or from a medical professional. Either the carer or person getting care can apply for the permits.
If you're receiving short-term or long-term care in your own home you might be able to get a free Essential Visitors' Permit (EVP).
You can apply for these permits on someone else's behalf.
These permits can be used by anyone who provides care, including friends and family members, not just registered professionals.
If you have been using free scratchcard visitors' permits, you can continue to use those if you prefer.
document Get essential visitor permit (232 KB)
You can upload a digital copy of the form to return it to us rather than post it.
Healthcare professionals
If you're a registered healthcare or social care provider, such as a community nurse, you can apply for a Medical Permit to use when making a care visit to someone at their home.
Medical permits allow you to park in permit holders' bays in any part of the city without having to obtain a visitor permit from the person you are visiting. They cost £274 a year.
To get a permit you must:
- make home visits on a regular basis
- be the registered keeper of the vehicle, or provide a copy of the vehicle's lease and the name of your organisation.
pdf Get medical permit(416 KB)
You can fill in this medical permit pdf and upload a digital copy of the form to return it to us rather than post it.