If you're a resident in the central area of Bristol, you may be eligible for a Resident's Parking Permit.
The central area of Bristol is a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) and is not a Residents Parking Scheme (RPS) area.
The rules and permits available for the RPS do not apply to the CPZ, however you may be eligible for one of a limited number of residential permits that are available.
Central Parking Zone residents' parking permits
There could be a long wait before we can issue your permit.
Because of high demand and limited space on the streets, residents in the Central Parking Zone might be put on a waiting list for their permit.
You can still continue with your application and we'll let you know if you've been successful within fifteen days from when we receive your application.
You can check if you're eligible by looking at the pdf Central Area residents' parking scheme boundary map (4.93 MB)
Get residents' permits
Fill in pdf Central Parking Zone form(211 KB) to apply for permits