Maps, costs, and information on when you can park in the Clifton East residents' parking scheme (RPS).
Maps of the Clifton East RPS area
Download a pdf detailed map of the scheme area(3.91 MB) .
You can also see the boundary of Clifton East on our Pinpoint map of RPS areas. Go to;Residential+parking+schemes&sidebar=false&mapopts=none&extent=3019.4310388620943&x=357463.1413970093&y=174126.2192329227 (opens new window)
Permit costs and allocations
See residents' and visitors' parking permit costs
Get residents' permits
Get digital permits so that you can park in your residents' parking area
About our residents' parking schemes
Information about our residents' parking schemes (RPS) across Bristol, types of permit available, what bays there are and what vehicles can park in them.
When and where you can park and operational hours
North of Oakfield Road
All roads north of Oakfield Road, including Oakfield Road, are operational Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm
Outside of those times you won't need a permit to park. On bank holidays, you don't need permit to park in this area.
South of Oakfield Road
Roads south of Oakfield Road, excluding Whiteladies are operational Monday to Saturday, between 9am and 9pm
Between 9am and 9pm, Monday to Saturday, you will need a permit or a pay and display ticket to park on the streets south of Oakfield Road.
Outside of those times you won't need a permit or pay and display ticket to park in the area. On bank holidays, you don't need a ticket or permit to park.
Pay and display
You can park for up to 30 minutes free of charge using a pay and display ticket or pay to park for up to three hours.
The pay and display operates from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm, except on Whiteladies Road, where it also operates on Saturdays.
In the south section of the scheme, below Oakfield road, but excluding Whiteladies Road, the pay and display operates from Monday-Saturday, between 9am and 9pm. Between 9am and 5pm the pay and display maximum stay is 3 hours. Between 5pm and 9pm, the maximum stay is 4 hours.
You can park without pay and display ticket outside these times. You don't need a pay and display ticket to park on Bank Holidays.