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What you have to pay for residents' or visitors' parking permits in Bristol and how many you can have.

Residents' permit scheme area allocations

Eligible properties in the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) can apply for 1 permit only.

Eligible properties in all the residents' parking scheme (RPS) areas and parking permit areas (PPA) can apply for up to 3 permits with the following exceptions:

  • in all RPS and PPA areas, properties on private roads may apply for 1 permit only
  • properties with off street parking in Bower Ashton may apply for up to 3 permits
  • properties with off street parking in Pitlochry Close may apply for up to 2 permits
  • properties with off street parking in Cheswick Village may apply for up to 2 permits
  • properties with off street parking in Edward Road and Chatsworth Road may apply for up to 2 permits
  • properties with off street parking in all other RPS areas and PPA may apply for 1 permit only

Residents' permit scheme area costs

Your first residents' permit cost is based on the vehicle with the highest CO2 vehicle emissions tax band.

All areas except Easton and St Philips and Central Parking Zone
Vehicle CO2 emissions tax bandFirst permit cost per year
Bands A to K (up to 225g/km) £124
Bands L to M (226 to over 255g/km) £186
No band (or vehicles registered before March 2001) £124

Other permits:

  • Second permit, all vehicles: £224 a year
  • Third permit, all vehicles: £560 a year
Easton and St Philips
Vehicle CO2 emissions tax bandFirst permit cost per year
Band A (01 to 100g/km) £62
Band B (101 to 110g/km ) £74
Bands C to K (111 to 225g/km ) £85
Bands L to M (226 to over 255g/km) £127
No band (or vehicles registered before March 2001) £85

Other permits:

  • Second permit, all vehicles: £162 a year
  • Third permit, all vehicles: £390 a year

Central Parking Zone

All residents' permits: £250 a year

Residents' parking permit payments

Pay for your residents' permit in full or pay every 3 months in quarterly instalments. If you choose to pay in quarterly instalments you'll still need to renew your permit every year.

Visitors' permits

Each visitor permit is valid for one day and any unused visitor permits will expire 12 months after the date they're issued.

The table below shows how many visitors' permits you can get: free and chargeable. This allocation resets annually on the date you applied for your first visitors' permits

Chargeable permits cost £1.30 each for all zones. You must pay this in full when you order the extra permits.

How many visitors' permits you can get by area
Residents' parking areaFree visitors' permitsChargeable visitors' permits
Bedminster East 50 50
Bower Ashton 70 70
Cheswick Village 50 50
Clifton East 60 60
Clifton Village 60 60
Cliftonwood and Hotwells 60 60
Cotham 50 50
Cotham North 50 50
Easton and St Phillips 50 50
Edward Road and Chatsworth Road 70 70
Kingsdown 60 60
Montpelier 50 50
Pitlochry Close 50 50
Redcliffe 60 60
Redland 50 50
Southville 60 60
Spike Island 60 60
St Pauls 50 50