Get digital visitors' parking permits so that your visitors can park.
Get visitors' permits
Our visitors' parking permits are digital. You don't need to own a vehicle to apply for visitors' parking permits.
You cannot get visitors’ parking permits if you live in the Central Parking Zone (CPZ).
You cannot get visitors’ parking permits for most new homes built or converted since 1 August 2018 in resident’s parking scheme (RPS) areas.
These developments are known as car free or low car developments.
Go to Restrictions on parking permits for car free or low car developments to check if you:
- live in a car free or low car development
- can apply for a parking permit
If you cannot get visitors' parking permits, find out where your visitors can pay to park.
This does not apply to blue badge holders who do not need a permit to park.
If you get care from friends, family or a medical professional you can apply for an Essential Visitors Permit (EVP) or a Medical Permit to allow them to park.
Apply for visitors' parking permits
If you have a MiPermit Go to (opens new window) account, sign in to your account to apply online.
If you haven't got a MiPermit Go to (opens new window) account to register and apply online you'll need:
- to live in a residents' parking area
- an email address to register
- your postcode and house number
- a debit or credit card to pay if your visitors' permits are not free
- your council tax account number which is on your council tax bill:
- if you pay council tax direct to the council but don't have your account number, you can request a copy of your bill online
- if you pay council tax as part of your rent, have just moved in to the property or don't pay council tax at all, see our pdf terms and conditions (260 KB) for other types of evidence that we accept
- email a copy of your evidence to and then call 0345 520 7007 to continue with your application
Get digital visitors' parking permits
If you have problems registering or applying for permits call 0345 520 7007.
Use visitors' permits
Your visitors don't need to display anything in their vehicle. You'll need to allocate a permit to your visitors' vehicle for their visit.
You must activate your visitor permits when you want to use them. Each digital visitor parking permit is valid for one vehicle for one day during the parking scheme's hours of operation.
If you know when your visitors are coming, you can activate their permit up to 2 weeks in advance. Activate the permit with your visitors' registration number and the date of their visit.
If plans change, you can cancel any visitor sessions as long as they haven't started.
You can swap a vehicle registration number on any activated visitor permit. Log in to MiPermit or call 0345 520 7007.
Activate visitors' permits
To activate a visitor permit on the MiPermit website:
- log in to MiPermit
- select Activate Visitor Permit
- add your visitors' vehicle registration number and the date they're coming
To activate a visitor permit on the MiPermit smartphone app:
- log in to the MiPermit smartphone app
- select Activate Visitor Permit
- add your visitors' vehicle registration number and the date they're coming
To activate a visitor permit on the phone:
- call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007
Swap a vehicle registration on a visitor permit
To swap a vehicle registration on an active visitor's permit:
- log in to MiPermit, select Activate Visitor Permit, change your visitors' vehicle registration number and add the date they're coming
- call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007
Help to apply for visitors' permits
If you don't have access to the internet or a smartphone or you cannot use a landline phone, you can still apply for visitor permits. Fill in our residents' parking contact form or call 0117 922 2600.
Visitors' permit expiry
All visitors permits will expire one year from the date you apply for them. You can cancel your visitors' permits at any time. You won't get a refund for unused permits you've paid for.
Paper visitors' permits
If you have paper visitors' parking permits you should continue to display the permits in your visitors' vehicles. When they expire you can apply for digital visitors' permits.
Fill in our residents parking form to tell us if you've paid for paper visitor permits and that they expire before a full 12 month period from when you bought them. You'll need to upload a copy of your invoice or receipt in the document upload section. We'll contact you to tell you what to do so that they remain valid for the full 12 month period.