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Report stray dogs, dog mess or dog attacks. Collect your dog from the Bristol Animal Rescue Centre. Report concern for the welfare of an animal.

Stray Dogs

Report a stray dog

Call the Dog Warden on 0117 922 2500 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

You can also take a stray dog directly to Bristol Animal Rescue Centre, 7 days a week, 8.00am to 8.00pm:
50 Albert Road
St Philips

You must first call them on 0117 977 6043.

Stray dog collection

We take stray dogs to the Bristol Animal Rescue Centre

Call 0117 977 6043 to arrange collection of your dog between 8am and 5pm.

Collection fees

You'll have to pay a fee to cover its time in kennels. It'll cost more the longer it stays. Fees start on the day it's taken to the Bristol Animal Rescue Centre.


  • one day: £59
  • two days: £70.50
  • three days: £80.50
  • four days: £91.50
  • five days: £102
  • six days: £124

If you don't collect your dog within this time it will be put up for adoption.

Dog on dog attack

Report the attack

Call: 0117 922 2500

You'll need to tell us:

  • your name, address and contact details
  • the date and time of incident
  • the location of incident
  • a description of the dog
  • details of the dog owner
  • details of any witnesses to the incident

Check dogs for injuries

If you think your dog has been seriously attacked by another person's dog, check both dogs thoroughly for any wounds.

If your dog is injured you should:

  • make sure you try to find veterinary treatment as soon as possible
  • not continue to exercise your dog as the movement may cause any smaller tears to get bigger
  • take down the other partys details in case its needed for your insurance or if you wish to take civil action

Vet treatment and cost claims

If your dog has been attacked and needs veterinary treatment keep a copy of the invoice and a photograph of any injuries.

Any claim for costs will be a civil matter.

In the majority of cases such incidents are a civil matter between the individuals concerned.

You can take civil proceedings against the owner of a dog that is dangerous and not kept under proper control.

You can find out more about taking civil action on the Citizens Advice website.

How we can help

We do not take action in all cases. We will look at the facts surrounding the incident, including the severity of the attack, cost of any vets bills and any threat to public safety.

Dog on person attack

Report a dog on person attack to the police.

Call 101 for non-emergency.

Call 999 for emergency.

Dog mess

Report dog mess on a road or pavement, or in a play area.

Report a full dog mess bin

We empty dog mess bins on a regular basis

Use the report a problem in a park form to report a full dog mess bin.

Responsible dog ownership


It's a legal requirement that every dog owner must have their dog microchipped.

The microchip must carry the correct up to date contact information on an approved database.

If your female dog has puppies, before being sold, you must have them microchipped and registered to an approved database by the time they are eight weeks old.

The new keeper must update the contact information on the database at the transfer of keepership.

A dog must not be transferred to a new keeper until it has been microchipped.

It is also a legal requirement for your dog to wear a collar and tag when in a public place. The tag must have your name and address on it (and a phone number if possible)


By law all dogs must wear a collar and tag with the owners name and address on the tag (it is recommended to include your telephone number).


Neutering or spaying is the removal of the reproductive organs in dogs. This is a straightforward operation from which dogs recover quickly.

We support the neutering of dogs to stop unwanted puppies being born which can end up as strays.

An un-neutered male dog is likely to stray from an owners property if there is an un-spayed female dog in season in the area. This may lead to the dog causing a road traffic accident and getting injured or injuring someone else.

Neutering information on the RSPCA Bristol Clinic website

Public Space Protection Orders (Dog Control)

We have orders in Bristol to enforce responsible dog ownership.  You may be served with a fixed-penalty-notice if you:

  • Allow your dog in areas where they're not allowed. This doesn't apply to assistance dogs for people with disabilities.
  • Don't keep your dog on a lead
  • Don't keep your dog on a lead when ordered to do so by an authorised officer
  • Don't clear up after your dog has fouled in any open area

For more information see our  pdf Dog Control Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) (683 KB)

If the PSPO is broken we may give a fixed penalty notice of £100 cut to £60 if paid within 10 days of getting it. If you dont pay, youll be taken to court and fined up to £1,000.

South Street Playing Fields is no longer one of the places where dogs can be exercised and is now subject to a PSPO excluding dogs at all times.

Concerned about the welfare of an animal

To report a mistreated, neglected, injured or distressed animal,  contact the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

You can also call their 24-hour cruelty line on 0300 1234 999. The RSPCA cruelty checklist helps identify the information they may ask for when you contact them.