How to apply if you need to give us notice that you plan to demolish a building or part of a building.
If you plan to demolish a building or part of a building, you must give us at least six weeks' notice.
When you don't need to give us notice
You don't need to tell us if you're planning to demolish:
- an internal part of a building, where the building is occupied and it is intended that it should continue to be occupied
- a building smaller than 50m3 (external volume)
- a greenhouse, conservatory, shed or prefabricated garage, where they form part of a larger building
- an agricultural building, unless it forms part of a building with other uses
Give notice to demolish a building or part of a building
You must not start work until we've issued a demolition notice, or six weeks has passed since you submitted your form.
To submit your form you'll need to upload a 1:1250 site location plan, indicating in red any building(s) or structure(s) to be demolished.
The demolition notice will include requirements and conditions that set out how the demolition should be carried out.
You may also need to get planning permission or prior approval to demolish a building.
Find out more about demolition on the Planning Portal website.
Privacy statement
Read our privacy statement and our pdf Building Regulations and Standards privacy notice(118 KB) to see what we do with your personal information.
Publishing your personal details
As an applicant, your name and address (or that of your nominated demolition contractor acting on your behalf) will be included on any demolition Notice issued and will be retained always. When carrying out our statutory duty, this notice will be shared with statutory bodies, utility companies and owners/occupiers of adjacent buildings as appropriate.