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Apply to add or change a property name or make a different change to an address.

You can apply to:

  • add a name to a property that has a number
  • change the name of a property
  • make a different change to an address

To apply for street names and property numbers for new residential and commercial properties, see register a new address.

New and amended addresses must conform to our pdf street naming and property numbering policy (124 KB) . Names must not be offensive or cause confusion. For example, a property must not have a similar name to another one on the same street.

If you add a name to a property that already has a number:

  • the number will still need to be included
  • the address will function without the name

If you ask for a major change, such as changing the street name, Royal Mail might also give your property a new postcode.

To make a change to an address, you must:

  • own the property, if the property is residential
  • have authority or permission from the owner, if the property is commercial

It costs £26 to make a change to an address.

Apply to make a change to an address

After you apply


  • respond to your application within 15 working days
  • confirm if we agree with the address applied for, propose any changes if needed, or, if we can't make a change, explain why
  • confirm the cost

We might ask you for more information.

Once we've agreed to a new address, we'll:

  • give the details to Royal Mail
  • email you an invoice, with details on how to pay

We'll also give the new address to:

  • other council departments, including Electoral Services, Waste Services, and Council Tax
  • emergency services
  • HM Land Registry
  • Valuation Office Agency
  • Ordnance Survey
  • National Land and Property Gazetteer
  • Bristol Water
  • BT Openreach

Queries about a new postcode or mail delivery

If you have any queries about a new postcode or mail delivery, contact Royal Mail.

Contact us about street naming and numbering

Email: street.namingnumbering@bristol.gov.uk

Street Naming and Numbering
Bristol City Council
100 Temple Street
PO Box 3399
Bristol BS1 9NE