Bristol's conservation area character appraisals and conservation area enhancement statements.

Conservation area character appraisals help residents and us to understand the history of an area and why it is special. They help shape future developments and planning policies, as well as giving residents an idea of what enhancements could be made.

We have undertaken a review of Bristol's existing conservation areas. This is through the production of a character appraisal and set of management proposals for each area.

The consultation and adoption process for each appraisal will give it enough weight to be a significant consideration in making planning decisions, and at appeal.

Conservation area enhancement statements

We also have a list of conservation area enhancement statements, which are gradually being replaced by character appraisals. 

In the meantime, you should check the enhancement statements if you can find what you're looking for in our list of conservation area character appraisals.

Current consultations

There are no current consultations.

Conservation areas and local communities

We value the specialist knowledge of local groups and greatly support working together to produce character appraisals.

Local communities have become more involved in identifying what is positive and negative about a conservation area, including unlisted buildings of merit, and helping to define boundaries.

We welcome all input into what makes an area special and what could improve an area; or more specific comment on a draft character appraisals via

Character appraisals and the Our Place project

Finding the resources to implement the programme of Character Appraisals is challenging. If you live in a Conservation Area that does not currently have a Character Appraisal, then the City Design Group will support you in the pdfOur Place (pdf, 3.53 MB) project initiative.

This is a way that a local group can start the process of conservation area review, which can be used to form the basis for a Character Appraisal.

Character appraisals

Conservation area enhancement statements

These statements were created in 1993 to describe the character of Bristol's conservation areas.

These are being replaced with our conservation area character appraisals, so you should check them if you can't find what you're looking for here.

Contact information


Bristol City Council
City Hall
PO Box 3399
Bristol BS1 9NE

Phone: 0117 922 3000