If you're making a complaint about a school, you'll need to make it directly to the school.
Find your school
Find your school's contact details on GOV.UK's school finder.
Complain about a school
Ask the school for their complaints procedure. This will tell you how to make a complaint and how your complaint will be handled.
You'll probably be asked to write to the Headteacher or Principal with details of your complaint. Remember to keep a copy. If you have problems writing, contact the school and ask them to help you make a complaint.
Most complaints are resolved at this stage.
Complain about the Headteacher or Principal, or what to do if you're not happy with their response
If your complaint is about the Headteacher or Principal, you'll probably be asked to write to the Chair of Governors. They can be contacted through the school.
Academies or free schools may have different arrangements.
Not happy with the school's final response
If you're still not happy after completing the school's complaints procedure, you can contact the Department for Education (DfE).
Complain about an independent (private) school
Contact the school directly and talk to them about the problem.
If you're unhappy with the response, you can contact the Department for Education (DfE).
Complain about education services provided by the council
Some education services are the council's responsibility, including:
- school transport
- admission to a school
- some aspects of special educational needs
- home education