New reception primary school place
When to apply for a new reception primary place, how to apply and information about Bristol primary schools.
Infant to junior school transfer
How to apply for a transfer from an infant school to a junior if the junior school isn't paired with the infant school your child currently attends.
New year 7 secondary school place
When to apply for a new year 7 secondary place, how to apply and information about Bristol secondary schools.
Middle schools outside Bristol for 9 to 13 year olds
Apply for a middle school place for Year 5 in September 2025.
In year admission
Apply for in year admissions.
Studio schools and university technical colleges for age 14 to 19
Schools for 14 to 19 year olds which offer practical learning combined with academic study.
Contact school admissions
Contact us with queries about school admissions.
Check school year
Check your child’s school year by when they were born.
Options for education and training after 16
Find out where and how you can study or train after 16.
School admission appeals
What you can appeal and how to make an appeal.
Admissions for children with Special Educational Needs
Apply for a place for a child with Special Education Needs.
Admissions for children of parents in the military or on crown postings
What you need to provide when you apply for a school place if you’re moving to Bristol from an overseas military or crown posting.
School Organisation Strategy
About our School Organisation Strategy for 2015 to 2019.
School admission arrangements and coordinated schemes
How school places will be allocated and how applications will be processed.
School admissions terms used and abbreviations
The terms and abbreviations we may use for schools admissions.
Ofsted inspection and reporting
About the changes in the way Ofsted will inspect and report on schools.
Fair Access Protocol
What Fair Access Protocol is and our Fair Access Protocol for Bristol Primary and Secondary Schools.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) report
What the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) report is and view the latest report for Bristol City Council.