Local councillors election 2024: see the full results

Information on the clerk to governors role.

The clerk to governors is the governance professional of the school and has three key roles, to:

  • provide administrative support to the governing body, for example: arranging meetings, writing minutes, keeping accurate and up to date records, supporting systems for the review of policies
  • support the development and performance of governors in their role, for example: updating them on changes in legislation and policy, informing them of appropriate training and helping them understand their duties
  • offer advice to governors and the school on the correct governance procedures and how to improve governance

All Clerks should receive a job description in advance of their employment.

This example  pdf clerk's job description (372 KB)  explains the role's responsibilities in more detail.

The Bristol Governor Development Service supports a network of governance professionals across Bristol, so if you are or are thinking of becoming a Clerk to Governors, get in touch to find out about meetings and support.

Clerks at subscribing schools can contact Bristol Governor Development Service for specific guidance and support at any time by email or phone.


Call: 0117 903 6900

Email: gds@bristol.gov.uk