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What the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is, our role in the inquiry, contribute to the inquiry, report a concern or get support.

What the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) is a government inquiry that was set up in response to concerns that some organisations were not protecting children from sexual abuse.

The inquiry will assess:

  • the nature and extent of child sexual exploitation by organised networks in England and Wales
  • institutional responses to this exploitation
  • what lessons local authorities have learned from recent high profile cases, such as those in Rotherham, Oxford and Rochdale

Our role in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Bristol is one of six areas chosen for the part of the inquiry that looks at how statutory agencies, such as local councils or the police, protect children from organised child sexual exploitation. 

The other areas are St Helens, Tower Hamlets, Swansea, Durham and Warwickshire. These regions were chosen because they represent a range of sizes, demographics and institutional practices.

Find out more about how Bristol supported the evidence gathering for this part of the inquiry.  

As part of the inquiry, we had to share a significant amount of information with the IICSA legal and inquiry team about children who:

  • were believed to be victims of child sexual exploitation between April 2017 and September 2020
  • went missing between April 2017 and September 2020

Ask about the information we shared with the inquiry

If you think we may have shared information about you with the inquiry, and want to ask what information was shared, call 0117 903 6444 in the first instance. Ask to speak to Jo Ritchie, Advanced CSE Social Worker. The line is open 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

The report

The report was published on 1 February 2022. 

Find the full Child sexual exploitation by organised networks Investigation Report.

Our statement

1 February 2022.

Sarah Parker, Interim Director of Children’s Services at Bristol City Council said:

“I firstly want to acknowledge the young people from Bristol whose information was reviewed in this process which we know will not have been easy for them. Please be reassured that the findings from this inquiry will help local and national agencies improve how we protect and support other young people from this kind of harm.  

“Nationally the criminal sexual exploitation and abuse of children by organised crime networks has not always been recognised and responded to as robustly as it should. In Bristol we continue to work with partners to improve how we respond to all forms of child exploitation, most recently through the Safer Options projects and our collaboration with Barnardo’s Innovation Hub.

“We will review the national recommendations in this report and consider how they can be applied to our safeguarding practices in Bristol. We will also continue working tirelessly towards eradicating abuse, exploitation and harm in all its forms, to ensure Bristol is a city which is safe for all children and young people.”

Residential schools inquiry

One of the three schools’ chosen to be a focus for the residential schools inquiry is Clifton College in Bristol. 

It was chosen due to the conviction of Housemaster Jonathan Thomson-Glover (JTG) for sexual offences against pupils in 2016. 

The other schools are Hillside First School in North Somerset and Headlands School in East Yorkshire.

Bristol City Council is featured in this report because of our safeguarding role in the criminal case of child sexual abuse at the College, which resulted in the criminal conviction of JTG who was jailed for three years and nine months.

Find our pdf statement on the residential schools inquiry (79 KB) .

Report a concern that a child is being sexually abused

If you suspect that a child is being sexually abused or exploited in Bristol

Get support for sexual exploitation or violence

If you have experienced sexual exploitation or violence in Bristol, you can find services that can support you at the Survivor Pathway Go to http://www.survivorpathway.org.uk/bristol/ (opens new window).