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Road closures

If you're planning to close a road, you'll need:

  • road closed signs at each point of the road closure 
  • road ahead closed signs before the closure, if only part of a road is closed away from a main junction
  • to weigh down any A-frame signs with a sandbag rather than a concrete block, kerb, or traffic cone


Diversion signs

You need diversion signs for all road closures

If vehicles need to be diverted, you'll need diversion signing in place consisting of:

  • a diversion sign at the start of the diversion
  • diverted traffic signs along the route 

You'll need to use a diversion end sign at the end of the diversion route.

You need to weigh down any A-frame signs with a sandbag rather than a concrete block, kerb, or traffic cone.

Advanced warning signs

If you're planning major works or road closures, you'll need an advanced warning sign.

You'll need to put your signs at each end of the works, or point of closure two weeks before the works or closure is due to start.

You need to weigh down any A-frame signs with a sandbag rather than a concrete block, kerb, or traffic cone.

Temporary directional signs

Temporary directional signs are usually yellow with black writing. They direct traffic to a temporary event or to a new housing development.

If you need to put up directional signs, you must email traffic@bristol.gov.uk.

It's useful to tell us:

  • what you'd like to use the signs for
  • where you intend to put the signs
  • how you'll place and fix the signs
  • when the signs will be placed, and removed


Your signs must meet our guidelines and are used correctly.

pdf Temporary directional signs specification (28 KB)

pdf Guidelines for temporary signs for developments (39 KB)

pdf Guidelines for temporary signs for events (40 KB)

Where to get signs from

Road closure signs for street parties

You should be able to get signs and cones free from your local community centre, or you can use our pdf list of suppliers (31 KB) .
Streets Alive and Playing Out can also give you advice on how to get road closure signs.

Play street events

Playing Out Go to https://playingout.net/ (opens new window) can provide you with free Road Closed signs and cones (on short- or long-term loan) if you are running a play street event (this does not apply to street parties).

Road closure and diversion signs for roadworks

All temporary traffic management can be hired through a temporary traffic management contractor or supplier or local plant hire company.

Advanced warning and temporary directional signs

You may need to get a specialist contractor to supply and fix advanced warning and temporary directional signs. 

They'll have specialist equipment to make and fix the signs. They'll also have the right insurances to work on the highway.

You should give us two weeks' notice if you intend to erect temporary signing. There's no application fee for this service


If you want to put a temporary banner on railings next to a road, you need to call the Planning Enquiry line on 0117 922 3000.

Banners can't be:

  • put up on a foot or road bridge, or another highway structure
  • put near a pedestrian crossing or junction if it's going to affect how visible they are
  • about general advertising

You need to fix your banner using strong cable ties. You should cut off any extra cable tie to prevent injury to passers-by.

We take down banners that aren't approved, or are in places they aren't allowed.