East and Central Family Hub Navigator
Your Family Hub Navigators for East and Central Bristol are here to help you get the right support for your family.
Family Hubs can give you help and support about anything relating to you and your family.
Find out what Family Hub Navigators can help you with.
Our navigator Yvonne is at different centres on different days. Call to make an appointment or find out which centre she'll be at when you want to drop in.
They have drop in sessions at these centres:
- Wellspring Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Bristol. BS5 0AX
- Easton Christian Family Centre, Beaufort Street, Easton, Bristol. BS5 0SQ
- Bannerman Road Children's Centre, Bannerman Road, Easton, Bristol. BS5 0RR
Contact details
Call or email Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4.30pm. If outside of these hours please leave a message and they'll get back to you.
Call: 0117 955 6971
Call Yvonne: 0739 380 2844
or use our eastcentral.navigators@bristol.gov.uk
Family Hub Navigators have an announcement only community WhatsApp group for families to get information about activities in their locality. Join the East and Central Family Hub WhatsApp group.
Find East and Central Family Hubs
See our timetable for activities you can join in.
Children's Centres
Wellspring Hub is part of a network of Children's Centres that provide a range of early years and childcare services in east and central Bristol which include: