Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 22 January. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Bristol Family Hubs website accessibility advice and our accessibility statement.

Access keys and skip links

Our site does not use access keys.

A skip link appears if you use the tab key to move the cursor on the page. The skip link allows you to jump to the main content.

Text size and colour

You can use your web browser settings to change:

  • colours of text and the background of pages
  • font and text size

Help with changing text in your browser.

Software for viewing documents

The following applies to desktop and laptop computers and not tablets or mobiles.

PDF documents: most computers will show these automatically. If you need the software you can download the free PDF reader from the Adobe website.

Microsoft Word documents: if you do not have Microsoft Office installed, you can download a Word file viewer from Microsoft's website.

More help with documents

Getting help

If you have difficulty in using our website, telephone or textphone our main contact centre or email us at website@bristol.gov.uk.

Services for deaf people

Deaf people can call the council using SignVideo Web Access online interpreting service, from their own home, for free.


 To use Google Translate

  1. Copy the website address (URL) of the page you want to translate.
  2. Go to Google Translate Go to https://translate.google.co.uk/ Go to https://translate.google.co.uk/ (opens new window) (opens new window).
  3. Paste the website address into the website field.
  4. Choose the language you want to translate to.
  5. Click the blue arrow button.

Google Translate is a free translation service that instantly translates text into different languages. Translations are generated by computers, so may not always be accurate. Bristol City Council is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of information translated using Google Translate.

Ask for formal translations

If you need a specific page or section on this website formally translated into another language, email website@bristol.gov.uk  and tell us:

  • the page or section you want us to translate
  • which language you want the text translated to

We'll respond within 10 working days.

Accessibility statement

We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website.

We believe that web pages of this site meet Double-A of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Go to https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/ (opens new window). These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for disabled people.

This accessibility statement applies only to our main website www.bristol.gov.uk. It does not apply to sub-domains of bristol.gov.uk (like maps.bristol.gov.uk) or other websites that are linked from our pages.

From external websites

Some parts of this site link to or use content provided by other websites and these are not always as accessible as our site. Examples of these are:

  • Video from YouTube
  • Tweets and the Twitter panels from Twitter
  • Maps from Google
  • Photos from Flickr
  • Surveys using SurveyMonkey
  • Facebook widgets