Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 22 January. Sorry for any inconvenience.

We'd like your feedback to help us improve our SEND Local Offer website.

We want to make sure that the information on the Local Offer website reflects the needs of parents, carers, young people and children.
You can give feedback about:

  • how our Local Offer website is working for you
  • any information that is wrong or out of date
  • information that is missing from the site
  • how  we could improve our Local Offer website 

Your feedback is anonymous and we won't publish your email address or any other information that could identify you.

Give feedback about our Local Offer website

Publishing your feedback

We want you to know that we're listening to your feedback and responding to make services better for children and young people with SEND.

Read about how we improve our SEND Local Offer website with your feedback which tells you what we've done in response to your comments. 

Your feedback

What you told us at feedback events and what we've done: You said, We did: SEND event feedback