Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 22 January. Sorry for any inconvenience.

How parents, carers, children and young people can get involved in their local area to give their views and opinions about the Local Offer website.

We're developing the local offer website with parents, carers, children and young people, and partner organisations.

Online feedback

You can send us your comments about Bristol's SEND Local Offer website.

For parents and carers

Working Group

We're developing a parents and carers working group to look at the SEND Local Offer website. If you're interested in joining or finding out more, email BristolLocalOffer@bristol.gov.uk Go to mailto:BristolLocalOffer@bristol.gov.uk (opens new window).

Bristol Parent Carers 

Bristol Parent Carers Go to https://www.bristolparentcarers.org.uk/ (opens new window) is a network of parents and carers who meet to share their views about services for families with children who have special educational needs or disabilities.

For young people

Working Group

We're developing a young person's working group to look at the SEND Local Offer website. If you're interested in joining or finding out more, email BristolLocalOffer@bristol.gov.uk Go to (opens new window)

The Listening Partnership

The Listening Partnership Go to https://wecil.org.uk/listening-partnerships-our-past-present-and-future/ (opens new window) is the Bristol SEND Youth Participation Forum and it works in partnership with other organisations to improve participation with young people. It's for 13 to 19 year olds with special educational needs or disabilities, and young people up to the age of 25 with learning difficulties.