What the SEND workforce development offer is, training and development network, how parent carers can join in.
We publish a document that explains training for staff in schools who work with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). We call it the SEND workforce development offer.
SEND workforce development offer
The training offer includes:
- general approaches to SEND
- cognition and learning
- speech, language, and communication needs
- social, emotional, and mental health needs
- physical and sensory needs
- preparation for adulthood
The offer says who each training event is suitable for.
The offer describes:
- the knowledge that different members of staff need to have, like teachers, headteachers or governors
- how to identify and plan the training that schools need
- schools' responsibilities to include information about expertise and training in their SEND information report
Find communications for SENDCOs, including the training offer.
SEND training and development network
We've set up a network to improve the training offer. We talked with schools, the parent carer forum, community groups and professionals to find what new training we need to add.
We're adding new training that parent carers can do with schools. The new offer will be published in the Autumn term 2022, and it will show which training you can join.