Where to find guidance, who adult care providers should contact about COVID-19.
This page has been developed to provide resources and key information for adult social care providers. We issue a providers COVID-19 newsletter every week. If you haven't received a newsletter, email adultcommissioning@bristol.gov.uk
COVID-19 outbreak support to care providers
The following document was produced in partnership with Bristol based adult care providers and provider organisation Care and Support West:
- pdf Locking Out Coronavirus: accommodation based provision(1.06 MB)
- pdf Locking Out Coronavirus: community-based services(378 KB)
Financial support to care providers
Bristol City Council have distributed two rounds of the Infection Control Fund, Workforce Capacity Fund and the Rapid Testing Fund. For more details contact adultcommissioning@bristol.gov.uk
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The government have published guidance on the use of PPE Go to https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-personal-protective-equipment-ppe (opens new window).
Eligible social care providers can order PPE on GOV.UK.
If you are struggling to obtain PPE, email adultcommissioning@bristol.gov.uk .
For providers based in:
- North Somerset: email asc.Covid19@n-somerset.gov.uk
- South Gloucestershire: email CAHBrokerage@SouthGlos.gov.uk
The government have produced guidance for testing for staff, residents and visitors for all adult social care settings.
Care management guidance
Our care management team are in contact with service users that are vulnerable during this time. We are aware that providers are having to put in place alternative arrangements in order to continue supporting service users.
To support this additional guidance has been developed to support providers around Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DOL) decision. See resources section.
Guidance for adult care providers
Government guidance:
Bristol City Council support and guidance:
- pdf Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DOLS) Safeguards guidance(292 KB) and pdf flowchart(76 KB)
- pdf Mental health and wellbeing signposting for health and care workers(142 KB)
Who to contact
Email adultcommissioning@bristol.gov.uk to tell us if:
- COVID-19 will impact on your service delivery
- you need assistance
We'll pass your email to the best person to help.