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If you're the only person over 18 in your home, you may be entitled to claim a 25% reduction in your council tax bill.

We’re currently receiving a high volume of enquiries which may cause delays in processing changes to Council Tax accounts.

You don’t need to send duplicate enquiries. We’ll respond to you as quickly as possible.

To qualify for the discount you must have already registered with us to pay council tax in Bristol.

You'll need your council tax account number.

Apply for a single person discount

After you've applied

After you've applied you must still pay the amount on your council tax bill until you hear from us.

If we don't give you the discount and you think we should have you can appeal by contacting us.

We'll check every year that you're still entitled to the discount. We may cancel your discount if you don't reply when we contact you.

Tell us about a change

If you no longer qualify for a single person discount let us know.

Cancel your single person discount

You'll need your:

  • council tax account number
  • the date you want to cancel your discount from

You may have to pay a fine if you don't tell us.