Apply for a transfer to a different type of council home, or another area in Bristol.
Before you apply for a transfer
If you're a secure tenant Go to (opens new window), you could apply to exchange or swap your home with someone else. It may be quicker than applying for a transfer.
Set up a Home Choice Bristol account
You'll need to apply for a transfer on the HomeChoice Bristol website.
Register your household with Home Choice Bristol to set up your account. You can then apply for a transfer by bidding on properties that are advertised.
Apply for a transfer
All council and housing association tenants can apply for a transfer, including introductory tenants.
Apply for a transfer on HomeChoice Bristol
On the HomeChoice website
What happens after you apply
We look at your application and prioritise it based on what you've told us in the application.
You'll get an email or letter (if you haven't given us an email address) once your application has been assessed. This could take approximately eight weeks.
What we prioritise
We may give priority to your application if the home you live in now is:
- bigger than you need, for example because your children have left home
- not big enough for what you need, for example because your family has grown
- not suitable because you're ill or have a disability
Special needs or supported housing
Make sure you tell us if you need a transfer because you:
- have health issues
- need adapted or supported accommodation
This helps us understand your needs so we can transfer you to the right home.
Get more advice
If you want to talk to someone about transferring to a new home you can:
- Email:
- Call: 0117 922 2400
- Visit our Citizen Service Point and speak to an advisor