Early plans for South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, funding, community and stakeholder engagement and how to stay informed about the project.

Early plans and vision

We're starting to plan liveable neighbourhoods in the areas of Southville, Bedminster, Ashton Vale, Malago Vale, Windmill Hill and part of Totterdown.

Our aim is to work with the local community to design safer and quieter streets to encourage people to walk, cycle and wheel for shorter journeys, improve air quality, enhance the public realm and green spaces, and improve access to local high streets.

We are at the early planning stages.

Funding and support

This early phase of the project is being funded by the Department for Transport's City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement and Section 106 funding, which is a contribution from local developers.

Evidence gathering

We're collecting data on traffic, air quality and noise, as well as analysing ward profiles to inform our proposals for the scheme.

This information will help us form early proposals for wider discussions through local engagement.

Engaging stakeholders

Early in 2024 we will engage with key stakeholders, including local community leaders and organisations, to find out what issues and challenges their communities face.

We will use this information, along with our local data, to co-develop early proposals to further collaborate and consult on.

Community engagement

Later in 2024 we will ask people who live in or travel through south Bristol for their views and ideas.

Keep up to date with project news

If you would like to go on a mailing list to find out more about South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood throughout the project, fill in our sign up form.

Liveable Neighbourhoods handbook

To find out more about the design and engagement principles behind liveable neighbourhoods, check out the pdf Liveable Neighbourhoods handbook (210 KB) .