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About East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, where it is, the project trial and bus gates and exemptions.

About East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood 

The East Bristol trial scheme is the first liveable neighbourhood project in Bristol.

It's looking at improvements, designed in partnership with local communities, to achieve a better balance between how local streets are used by vehicles and people.

The trial area is in Barton Hill and parts of Redfield and St George, south of Church Road and north of the River Avon.

Measures to better manage traffic, provide safe journey routes for pedestrians and active travel,  and introduce new planters and pocket parks across the trial area will be completed in early 2025.

Find out more about the scheme on the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood website.

Map of the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood area

View a map of the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood area.

Bus gates and exemptions

As part of the project trial we'll be installing three 24-hour bus gates. The bus gates will be on Avonvale Road, Marsh Lane and Pilemash. 

View East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood bus gates for information about the bus gates and exemptions.

Monitoring the project trial

We'll be monitoring the scheme throughout the trial to make sure it is meeting the aims of the project. 

Active travel support

We can help you try more sustainable ways to travel with up to £100 of active travel offers, including free cycling training, e-scooter credit, and bus and train taster tickets.   Get free active travel support


Contact information

East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhoods 

Email: liveableneighbourhoods@bristol.gov.uk

Phone:  0117 903 6449 and leave a message