We can help with translation and interpreting in many languages
Services we provide
- Written translation in most languages, and for organisations spanning all sectors.
- Interpreters in over 40 languages including the languages most requested in Bristol: Arabic, Bengali, British Sign Language, Cantonese and Mandarin, Czech, Farsi, Kurdish, Polish, Portugese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese.
- National Register of Public Service Interpreters.
- A BSL interpreting service.
Office hours
- Monday to Thursday: 9am to 4.30pm
- Friday: 9am to 4pm
We provide a first class, low cost interpreting service in more than 40 languages. Our interpreters and translators are highly experienced, professional and offer an effective, and efficient service. We are the only local interpreting provider to language assess candidates in every language they interpret. We also DBS check our interpreters.
We continuously work to strengthen our reputation for a quality and value for money service.
We put our customers at the heart of what we do. We invest in improved technology to improve our efficiency and offer ongoing training and support to our interpreters to improve their effectiveness.
Our principles
All our translators and interpreters sign up to a pdf code of practice(199 KB) and a pdf code of ethics(210 KB) to adhere to the following principles. BSL interpreters use a similar code of ethics (NRCPD Code of Conduct)
Nothing which is said in the room will be repeated by the interpreter outside of the room.
Translators and Interpreters will adhere to data protection regulations to store notes safely on computer or paper to ensure confidentiality. All private information and notes are deleted after receiving payment and satisfaction from service provider and client.
Translators and Interpreters are allowed to disclose information to the TIS manager only, where they fear the safety of an individual could be seriously threatened e.g. child protection, mental health, adult abuse. This will then be raised with the service provider if needed.
Word-for-word accuracy
The dialogue or text will be interpreted or translated word for word. Nothing will be added and nothing will be taken away. Everything that is spoken will be interpreted including conversations between service providers and conversations between service users.
The Interpreter will give equal attention to the service user and service provider. The Interpreter shall be impartial and unbiased. The interpreter is a neutral third party and has no role in the decisions taken by the service provider or client.
The interpreters and translators will not intervene in the interview unless clarifying any issue or misunderstanding. The interpreter will not offer advice. At times a client may need bi-lingual advocacy but this service is not provided by us. We can advise on other providers if needed.
Interpreters should arrive 10 minutes early to every assignment and in exceptional circumstances will telephone the service provider if any lateness is anticipated.
Interruption only for clarification
Interpreters are obliged to seek clarification on words or phrases they do not understand. The interpreter may interrupt the interview if they feel one of the parties has not understood. This may be due to cultural differences, and more time or clarification may be needed to make sure the information is understood.